Moving House

I’m not currently moving.

But 15-20% of people in my inner circle are! Starting from May, so many people I know have either moved, put their homes on the market, started looking for new homes, purchased vaca homes or broke ground on new constructions.


Great Change

This is a time of great change. In the greater world and within peoples’ individual lives. Not only because of coronavirus – that’s just the tip of the iceberg.


Responses to Change

It’s so interesting how different people respond in different ways to change.

Older people who moved seemed ready for it. Such a relief! Good news and better weather, here they come.

People who’ve purchased second homes have varied in their responses. Everybody excited, but some people annoyed or frustrated about the hassles of setting up a new space. Others ignoring the issues that arise with the new homes, perhaps intending to deal with things later (good luck…)

I’ve noticed that the single people in their 30s and 40s whose parents sell the house they grew up in have been very sad and angry about the sales, even when they were not themselves living in the homes any longer.


Change and You

How one responds to change in their external circumstances is a good indication of how they probably respond to change within themselves.

Resistant to changes? Excited about changes? Ignoring changes? Annoyed/ frustrated about changes?

How do YOU respond to change?


Changing You

As humans, we are always changing – whether we realize it or not. Even staying still or staying stuck changes us, for as the world around us changes if we do not adapt this inability to adapt changes how we relate. Hardens us, fossilizes. You old fart.

If you think you haven’t changed at all, ask those in your inner circles for their candid opinions. If you DARE!

Or perhaps you’re not interested in what your inner circle has to say on the matter. Perhaps you have changed to the degree that it is time for you to move on. Build a new squad.


What do you think?

What do you think? Is it time for YOU to move on?

If so – from WHAT? If there’s one area where it’s time for you to move, it means there are certainly more.


*Mary Katherine Gallagher, created and portrayed by Molly Shannon on SNL from back in the day replay


Image by cocoparisienne at Pixabay